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发布时间: 2024-03-29 19:59:59

❶ 涓棣栬嫳鏂囨瓕锛屾槸涓涓榛戜汉姝屾墜鍞辩殑锛屽ソ鍍忔槸鐩蹭汉锛屽ソ鍍忎竴鐩存嬁鐫鐢佃瘽绛掑敱锛岃繖鏄浠涔堟瓕锛熻阿浜

i just call to say i love you(鐢佃瘽璇夎》鑲)
姝ゆ瓕鏄涓栫晫缁忓吀鎯呮瓕涔嬩竴锛屼腑鏂囪瘧鍚嶅彨锛滅數璇濊瘔琛疯偁锛烇紟鏄1984骞寸數褰銆婄孩琛eコ閮庛(The Woman In Love)鐨勪富棰樻洸,婕斿敱姝ゆ瓕鐨剆tevie wonder鏄缇庡浗鐨勪竴浣嶉潪甯歌憲鍚嶇殑榛戜汉鐩蹭汉姝屾墜. 涓嬮潰鏄鍘熸枃鍜岃瘧鏂:

No new years's day to celebrate 涓嶆槸鏂板勾瑕佺濊春

no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away 涓嶆槸(鎯呬汉鑺)瑕侀佸績褰㈠阀鍏嬪姏绯

no first of spring 涓嶆槸鍒濇槬鏃

no song to sing 涓嶆槸瑕佸敱姝

in fact here's just another ordinary day 鍏跺疄杩欏彧鏄骞冲钩甯稿父鐨勪竴澶

No April rain 涓嶆槸鍥涙湀椋橀洦

no flowers bloom 涓嶆槸椴滆姳鐩涘紑

no wedding Saturday within the month of June 涓嶆槸鍏鏈堟槦鏈熷叚鐨勫氱ぜ

But what it is Is something true Made up of these three words that I must say to you 鑰屾槸涓鐗囩湡鎯呭嚌鑱氭垚鐨勬垜涓瀹氳佸逛綘璇寸殑涓変釜瀛

I just called to say I love you 鎴戞墦鐢佃瘽鍙鏄瑕佽存垜鐖变綘

I just called to say how much I care 鎴戞墦鐢佃瘽鍙鏄瑕佽存垜闈炲父鍦ㄦ剰

I just called to say I love you 鎴戞墦鐢佃瘽鍙鏄瑕佽存垜鐖变綘

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart 杩欏彞璇濆彂鑷鎴戝績搴

No summer's high 涓嶆槸鐩涘瀛h妭

No warm July 涓嶆槸娓╂殩涓冩湀

No harvest moon to light one tender August night 涓嶆槸鏀惰幏鏃惰妭鐨勬弧鏈堢収浜娓╂煍鐨勫叓鏈堜箣澶

No autumn breeze 涓嶆槸绉嬮庡井鎷

No falling leaves 涓嶆槸鏍戝彾椋樿惤

No even time for birds to fly to southern skies 鐢氳嚦涓嶆槸鍊欓笩鍗楅炵殑瀛h妭 No Libra sun 涓嶆槸绉嬪垎鏃

No Halloween 涓嶆槸涓囧湥鑺

No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring 涓嶆槸瑕佹劅璋浣犲甫鏉ョ殑鎵鏈夊湥璇炲揩涔

But what it is Though old so new To fill your heart like no three words could ever do. 鍙鍐嶆病鏈変粈涔堣兘鍍忚繖涓変釜瀛楄櫧鑰佽皟鍗存柊椴滆╀綘蹇冮噷鍏呮弧鎰夋偊

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